Risk Education Car part1 (Theoretical) in English + Risk Education Car part2 (Practical) in English
To do this course you have to:
Be on time
Bring your ID
Bring an interpreter if you feel unsure about the english language
Be sober, a test will be done
Drive the vehicle safely
We hold courses both on weekdays and weekends, so go to booking and see if you find a date that suits you.
The course starts 15 minutes after the time of confirmation, so that you can check in at the reception in good time.
We encourage you to arrive in good time. After you checked in please await in our café in the main entrance. Coffee, soft drinks, water, snacks, sandwich and salads is available in our café.
Before the start, the teacher calls your attention. Please follow teacher’s instructions.
In order for us to report to the Swedish Transport Agency that you have completed your risk education with approved result, you must be able to present valid identification at the start of the course. The teacher controls your valid identification in the classroom. After completed education with approved result of course, we report to the Transport Agency immediately.
Visit our website for more information www.gillinge.se or call customer support at: 08-514 403 00.